Sunny day and slide film…

I have not been inspired to get out and take many pictures recently, partly because of the weather I think. Last weekend we had some sun for a change though and I also found a roll of Provia slide film that my friend Filip gave me a while ago (Filip is a new Dad as of Friday btw!).

I dont usually shoot much slide film because processing is kind of expensive but I enjoyed it and it has reminded me that I bought 10 rolls of velvia for 50p each a while back so maybe I will take some of them when I go to America later this month. At the the same time I do think that slide film is not so different to digital in some ways so maybe I am wasting my money?

Anyway here are a few from the roll I shot….

2 Responses to “Sunny day and slide film…”

  1. alvason Says:

    I like your pictures very much, please keep up the good work! There is a refreshing light in them, and I like your eye for pattern. Well, maybe I should just say I like them, ‘cos I don’t know enough to say it is “the pattern”!

    I’m another with a host of cameras, I think it was 8 at last count but it is a bummer that everybody is feeling the pinch these days and I can’t afford to put a film through one of them more than maybe once a month. But then I have one digital job, 5 MP.

    Best wishes

  2. motleycollection Says:

    Hey Adam,

    thanks for your comment. Yeah I am feeling the pinch as far as developing goes too. I have plenty of film in the fridge so that isn’t so much of an issue. I am going to live in the US for a month very soon and plan on shooting lots of film while I am sthere but I might have to develop it bit by bit! I will of course take my digital too…



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